Interactive Visual Exploration of Region-Based Sensitivities in Fiber Tracking

Fiber tracking is a powerful technique that provides valuable insights into the complex white matter structure of the human brain. However, the processing pipeline involves many sources of uncertainty, with one notable factor being the user-defined parameters that significantly influence the resulting outputs. Among these parameters, the definition of seed-points is a crucial aspect in most fiber tracking algorithms. These seed-points are determined through regions of interest (ROI) and serve as the initial points for fiber tract generation. In this work, we present an interactive technique that utilizes seed-point sensitivities to guide the definition of regions of interest (ROI). We examine various scenarios where sensitivity information can enhance the ROI definition process and provide user guidelines and recommended actions for each scenario. Building upon this analysis, we have developed a visualization strategy that enables users to explore seed-point sensitivities effectively and facilitate the definition of optimal ROIs. We present results highlighting the benefits of the proposed visual design in the clinical pipelines.
@inproceedings{ bib:2023_vcbm_faizan,
author = {Faizan Siddiqui and Thomas H{\"o}llt and Anna Vilanova},
title = { Interactive Visual Exploration of Region-Based Sensitivities in Fiber Tracking },
booktitle = { Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine },
pages = { 13 -- 22 },
year = { 2023 },
doi = { 10.2312/vcbm.20231208 },