Seismic Horizon Tracing with Diffusion Tensors

This work presents a new workflow for the interpretation of seismic volume data, as well as a novel approach to interactively tracing seismic horizons. Instead of interpreting the seismic cube slice by slice, in the proposed workflow interpretation is performed on the planes connecting wells that have been drilled. Thereby the additional data provided by the well logs can easily be used during the interpretation process. Instead of manually picking the seismic horizon, we propose an algorithm which uses numerical integration over a vector field computed with diffusion tensors for automatic tracing, based on a user-defined seed point.



Thomas Höllt, Markus Hadwiger, Laura Fritz, Philip Muigg, and Helmut Doleisch. Seismic Horizon Tracing with Diffusion Tensors. Poster Presentation, IEEE Visweek, Atlantic City, NJ, 2009.


@misc{ bib:2009_vis,
author = {Thomas H{\"o}llt and Markus Hadwiger and Laura Fritz and Philip Muigg and Helmut Doleisch},
title = { Seismic Horizon Tracing with Diffusion Tensors },
howpublished = { Poster presentation at Poster Presentation, IEEE Visweek, Atlantic City, NJ },
year = { 2009 },